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Accessibility Accessibility Declaration
The present statement details the accessibility policy, level, and compliance of this site with the law of 28 May 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public-sector bodies transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public-sector bodies, as well as the Renow framework for the standardisation of the websites of the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs committed to making this site accessible in compliance with the above-mentioned law and European Directive.
The present accessibility statement applies to the website at based on the model defined by the Commission's Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523 of 11 October 2018.
What is web accessibility?
Everyone must be able to easily use and consult the information on a website, in particular people with disabilities and/or using assistive software or specialised equipment (e.g. blind, partially sighted or otherwise disabled people).
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 9 September 2019.
The indications given in this statement are correct and based on an actual assessment of the compliance of the present website with the requirements laid down in the General Framework for Improving Accessibility (version 4) (Référentiel Général d'Amélioration de l'Accessibilité - RGAA).
It is drawn up following an auto-assessment carried out by the CTIE on the basis of a representative sample of pages.
Compliance status
The present website is partly compliant with the requirements laid down in European standard EN 301 549 v3.1.1 and the General Framework for Improving Accessibility (RGAA) v4 implementing the standard, by virtue of the non-compliances and exemptions listed below.
Non-accessible content
The following content is not in compliance with the RGAA 4 and will be corrected at a later date:
- The internal navigation menu of the pages is not correctly structured.
- Certain images do not have a relevant alternative.
- Language changes are not indicated for certain English, German or Luxembourgish terms.
- Text or icons are not sufficiently contrasted.
- Several tables on the site do not have adequate headers, and therefore do not allow a relevant reading with assistive technologies.
- Some numbered or unnumbered bullet lists are not always identifiable as such.
- Some links have labels or titles that are not understandable, with or without context.
- On the contact form, the suggested auto-completion is as interpreted automatically by your browser.
- Some errors may be indicated by the W3C, but they do not affect accessibility of the content.
Disproportionate burden
The content listed below does not comply with the RGAA and will not be corrected by virtue of disproportionate burden within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive EU 2016/2102:
- The office documents (pdf) available on the site may not comply with EN 301 549 V2.1.2. However, we will make every effort to ensure compliance of new documents published since 23 September 2018 and, if necessary, contact us so that we can provide you with this information.
- The links given in the sub-menus cannot be reached using the keyboard via the browser bar. Access to the information pages in this sub-menu can nevertheless be reached from the browser bar, and from the page footer.
- the authentication system by LuxTrust, which is an independent external company.
Exempted content
The following contents do not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation:
- The office documents available on the site do not necessarily comply with the EN 301 549 V2.1.2 standard, but should it be necessary we will endeavour to bring documents published before 23 September 2018 into compliance.
- All videos available on the site use a player that meets accessibility requirements. We will endeavour to make the content of videos published from 23 September 2020 fully compliant.
- All the interactive maps are exempted. We will make every effort to make them identifiable and to ensure that they do not cause any problems.
Control procedure
Websites created under the Renow standardisation reference system are developed within a generic and centralised framework and architecture in accordance with project management processes and the Renow checklist.
To guarantee neutrality, we regularly call on accessibility experts to check the compliance of sites or new features.
Each site is evaluated at several stages:
- During the design of the content structure.
- During the creation of graphic and functional models.
- Immediately prior to going live.
Once the site is online, checks are carried out as follows:
- the editors check access to all new content before it is published.
- each new functionality of the site is evaluated before it is published.
During assessments, the site is tested with the most common screen readers, on tablets, mobile phones and PCs. They are also tested with different web browsers (compatibility up to 2 versions below the current version).
Contributor competencies
The work procedures incorporate the application of Internet guidelines at the various stages of the site's development (writing, management, development).
Our employees have the knowledge and skills required to correctly apply the Internet guidelines.
Having trouble accessing information?
If you notice an accessibility issue, send us an email at , describing your problem and indicate the page on which it occurred.
We commit to replying to you by email within 1 month at the latest. Within reasonable limits, the correction of the accessibility issue will preferably be carried online such as to remedy the problem in a sustainable way.
Should this be impossible, the desired information will be sent to you in an accessible format of your preference:
- in writing in a document or email;
- orally in an interview or by phone.
Procedure for ensuring compliance with the provisions
Should the reply be unsatisfactory, you also have the possibility of informing the Information and Press Service (Service information et presse), the body responsible for supervising accessibility, via its online complaint form or the Ombudsman, the mediator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.